
We Joyfully Extend Hospitality and Fellowship to All


A Place for God
A Place for Beauty
A Place for Refuge
A Place for YOU


We are called by Jesus Christ to glorify God in worship through word and song, grow as disciples through study, engage in mission to the world, joyfully extend hospitality and fellowship to all, and, with God's help, to allow the Holy Spirit to work through us.


Sundays, 10:30am
Through Scripture, song, prayer, and preaching, worship immerses the congregation in God’s grand story of reconciliation and redemption.

Worship provides a reflective space to hear from God, to ponder the meaning and purpose of life, and to imagine how we might live faithfully, creatively, and justly in the world in response to God’s grace.

Nursery care is available for young children during our worship services. 


Christian education is an integral part of our life together. Our mission is to provide opportunities for all people to deepen their understanding and practice of Christianity, mature in their spiritual lives, and serve faithfully in the church and in the world.


“God has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” - Micah 6:8

At Irvington Presbyterian, we desire to put our faith into action, whether it be through refugee resettlement, caring for those imprisoned, supporting local food and hunger programs, and more.

What Should I Expect

Worship is at 10:30a and lasts about one hour. After the service, everyone is invited to coffee hour in our church parlor, which is a great opportunity to meet the people of the church.

We have two parking lots—a front lot and a back lot. Most enter through the red doors of the tall steeple.

There is no dress code at Irvington Presbyterian Church, but most dress business casual though it is not unusual to see a sports uniform or a dance outfit as kids come to and from other activities.

Nursery care is available during worship and adult education classes for children 4 years-old and younger. Please ask an usher to guide you to the nursery, which is located in the John Knox Building.

“Life is short. We don't have much time to gladden the hearts of those who walk this way with us. So, be swift to love and make haste to be kind.”

― Henri-Frédéric Amiel

Join us!

At Irvington Presbyterian Church our Christian fellowship begins with worship, and extends throughout the congregation.