Serving Irvington and the Rivertowns since 1853
The first home of the Presbyterian Church in Irvington (originally, Second Presbyterian Church in Greenburg) was built in 1853 on the east side of Broadway. The present, much larger edifice, was erected in 1869 on the west side of Broadway and was designed by James Renwick, architect of St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Grace Church in New York City. Much of the beautiful stone used in the construction of the Church was quarried right from the site. Among those who contributed to the construction of the building were such famous persons as railroad magnate Jay Gould; Cyrus Field, father of the Atlantic cable; George Morgan, brother of investment banker J.P. Morgan; and Charles Tiffany, founder of the well-known jewelry firm.
Rev. Dr. Blaine Crawford, Minister of Word & Sacrament
Adam McAllister, Director of Christian Education
Jonathan Riss, Director of Music
Emily Villar, Office Manager
Andrea Sarayli, Bookkeeper
Rob Horan, Sexton
In the Presbyterian tradition, the church is led by boards of elders and deacons. Nine elders plus our pastor comprise the Session, which is responsible for the overall leadership of the church. The Board of Deacons is comprised of nine individuals, who assist in care for our congregation and local community.
Affiliated Organizations
Since 1957, Good Shepherd Early Childhood Center has served the young children of Irvington and the Rivertowns. Led by director Liz Marinis, Good Shepherd offers early childhood education to 2-, 3-, and 4 year-olds.
In 2024, The Rivertowns Playhouse became the official resident theater of Irvington Presbyterian Church, providing performances and workshops to the local communities.
IPC serves as the chartered organization for Boy Scouts Troop 55 and Cub Scouts Pack 120. The church is also home to numerous Girl Scout troops, and hosts a variety of AA, AlAnon, and writing groups.