Let the children
come to me.
Grow in Faith
Kids Ministry (Sunday School)
We have classes for children in Pre-K through 8th grade, that run from September to early June and are taught by volunteer members of the congregation using Reformed, Bible-based curricula. Teachers rotate weekly or by semester, depending on the class, and are supported by a Sunday School Superintendent. For more details, see our 2024-25 Sunday School Calendar.
Except for the first Sunday of each month (see Chapel Time, below), the children come to the Sanctuary for the first portion of the worship service and are dismissed with their teachers to their classrooms after Children’s Time.
Chapel Time
On the first Sunday of each month, Sunday School classes and their teachers gather in the Chapel for their own 30-40 minute interactive worship service, which includes singing, prayer, scripture and a message. The children then join the adults in the sanctuary for communion and through the conclusion of the service.
Speaking about Faith: Raising children to be followers of Jesus
On the first Sunday of each month, following worship, Rev. Crawford will facilitate a conversation for parents (and grandparents) on selected topics pertaining to teaching and sharing faith with our children. Topics include, "How to Talk About Death," "The Use of Technology," and "Teaching our Kids to Pray."
Chapel Time
On the first Sunday of each month, Sunday School classes and their teachers gather in the Chapel for their own 30-40 minute interactive worship service, which includes singing, prayer, scripture and a message. The children then join the adults in the sanctuary for communion and through the conclusion of the service.
Adult Faith Formation
You are invited to be part of IPC’s life-long learning community, sharing mind and heart as we look at the Bible, church history, theology, and the way we live in the world as disciples of Jesus Christ. Our adult education ministry offers 3-4 week classes exploring a variety of topics of faith throughout the program year. The classes meet after worship. See the monthly calendar for upcoming classes.
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry meets the first Saturday of the month over bagels and coffee to discuss faith, the Scriptures and their lives.
Women’s Circle
The Women’s Circle meets once a month for friendship, food, and conversation about God, faith, and life.